We want your used books!

Bring in your books for Read Queen Dollars !

Read Queen Dollars work like a discount program. Your Read Queen Dollars will be automatically applied to save you 10% off new books, gifts, toys, stationery and 50% off used books. You will always pay something, but as long as you have Read Queen Dollars in your account, you will always save something, too! Read Queen Dollars cannot be used for items in the Cafe. 

Some of your books might end up on our shelves. Some books we cannot use, and these books end up in a variety of places: Some books may end up in Little Free Libraries around town, or they may go to charities across the country. Some books go all the way to Africa for children’s reading programs! Some books get pulped for housing insulation or donated to artists.  We work hard to keep books from ending up in the trash. 

You will receive some credit for every single book! Generally you’ll get 30% of the price we set in RQ Dollars. And approximately $0.10 for each book not used in our store.  Any way your book is used, you get RQ Dollars for it! We do not return unsellable books.

Anywhere your book ends up makes a huge difference to our community and our planet and we thank you for them! 

Feel free to drop books anytime other than Saturdays.  We ask that each box of books be no larger than file-folder size. Please add your name and email in each box to ensure you receive proper credit.


Return Policy

We offer EXCHANGES only on purchases.  Receipt required on all exchanges.

       (We are happy to look up a receipt for you on your Customer Account)


*NEW merchandise in NEW condition returned within 2 days for Gift Card exchange

*USED Books returned within 2 days for Gift Card exchange

* Items returned After 2 days for Read Queen Dollars only

* Subject to change without notice

Thank you for supporting your local independent bookstore!